Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog (1947-1949)

Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog (1947-1949)

In 1947, the Indonesian National Revolution began, which was a social and political conflict and resulted in the establishment of an independent Republic of Indonesia. This revolution started in the year 1945 and lasted till 1949. The Dutch colonial administration attempted to re-establish control over the colony of Indonesia after World War II. However, the people of Indonesia were no longer willing to be governed by the Dutch. The Indonesian National Revolution was a series of sporadic armed struggles and diplomatic negotiations between the Indonesian nationalists and the Dutch empire.

The Causes of the Indonesian National Revolution

The Indonesian National Revolution was a result of several factors that were brewing for years. One of the main causes was the exploitation of resources and labor by the Dutch colonial empire. The Indonesian people were forced to work in the plantations of the Dutch and were paid very little.

How Did the Revolution Start?

The revolution started in the year 1945 when Sukarno declared the independence of Indonesia. However, the Dutch government did not accept the declaration and sent troops to Indonesia to regain control. The Indonesian people, however, were determined to fight for their independence and started an armed struggle against the Dutch.

Key Players in the Revolution

The Indonesian National Revolution was led by a group of nationalist leaders, which included Sukarno and Hatta. These leaders were supported by the Indonesian people who were tired of the Dutch colonial rule. The Dutch government was led by Willem Schermerhorn, who was the Prime Minister of the Netherlands at that time.

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The Course of the Indonesian National Revolution

The Indonesian National Revolution was a long and bloody struggle that lasted for four years. The Indonesians used guerilla warfare tactics to fight the Dutch. The Dutch, on the other hand, used their superior military power to suppress the rebels. The conflict resulted in the death of many Indonesians and Dutch people.

The Role of International Community

The international community played a crucial role in the Indonesian National Revolution. The United Nations intervened in the conflict and sent a delegation to Indonesia to negotiate a ceasefire between the two sides. The delegation was successful in negotiating a ceasefire, which led to the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia as an independent nation.


The Indonesian National Revolution was a significant event in the history of Indonesia. It resulted in the establishment of an independent Republic of Indonesia and ended the Dutch colonial rule in the country. The revolution was a result of the exploitation of resources and labor by the Dutch colonial empire. The Indonesian people fought bravely for their independence and succeeded in achieving it.


What was the Indonesian National Revolution?

The Indonesian National Revolution was a social and political conflict that resulted in the establishment of an independent Republic of Indonesia. The revolution started in the year 1945 and lasted till 1949.

Who led the Indonesian National Revolution?

The Indonesian National Revolution was led by a group of nationalist leaders, which included Sukarno and Hatta.

What was the role of the Dutch government in the Indonesian National Revolution?

The Dutch colonial administration attempted to re-establish control over the colony of Indonesia after World War II. However, the people of Indonesia were no longer willing to be governed by the Dutch. The Dutch government was led by Willem Schermerhorn, who was the Prime Minister of the Netherlands at that time.

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What was the role of the international community in the Indonesian National Revolution?

The international community played a crucial role in the Indonesian National Revolution. The United Nations intervened in the conflict and sent a delegation to Indonesia to negotiate a ceasefire between the two sides. The delegation was successful in negotiating a ceasefire, which led to the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia as an independent nation.

What was the significance of the Indonesian National Revolution?

The Indonesian National Revolution was a significant event in the history of Indonesia. It resulted in the establishment of an independent Republic of Indonesia and ended the Dutch colonial rule in the country. The revolution was a result of the exploitation of resources and labor by the Dutch colonial empire.